Our first Hot Mix Asphalt Plant was purchased in 1965. This plant was assembled on property that had been used for railroad maintenance by the B & O railroad.
When this plant begain production, it was one of the largest asphalt plants in West Virginia.
In 1977, the plant was upgraded via the installation of a baghouse dust collection system. This replaced the original wet wash system.
In 2002, the plant was upgraded to a computer controlled batch system. This replaced the manual controls that had been in use since the plant was purchased.
In 2004, the cold feed bins were replaced with larger, more modern bins. Also, the bucket elevator system to feed material into the dryer was replaced with a slinger belt. This upgrade resulted in less waste during operation.
In 2011, there were many upgrades. The original 30,000 capacity liquid asphalt bulk tank was replaced with a new tank that is partioned into two 15,000 gallon compartments. This will allow for the use of multiple grades of liquid asphalt. Also, the capability of producing Warm Mix Asphalt became an option with the installation of a Meeker Warm Mix system.
In 2012, a 200 ton hot mix asphalt storage silo was added.